Setka Introduces Live Chat Within Editor

You can now chat with support teams directly within the Setka Editor interface

Until now, Setka’s Intercom-powered live support feature has only been available on our website as well as on Style Manager and within WorkFlow, our content production collaboration tool. But starting this week, anyone working on Setka Editor — regardless of CMS — will be able to access live customer support instantaneously, within the same window.

Behind the scenes of “10 Insights on the State of Visual Storytelling in 2019”

With extensive resources and a dedicated Support team, at Setka, we’ve been committed to customer needs since day one. Our Help Center guides readers through every step of the design process, whether you’re working on WordPress, Drupal, Ghost, 1C-Bitrix, or any other CMS. It also dives into custom integrations and other account details. And while answer times have always speedy, these days our team replies three times faster than the industry average when it comes to reply time across the board.

We can’t wait to see how much more helpful we can be by providing live chat directly within our editor interface. In addition to the editor’s bottom right “Help” button — which opens up Help Center in a new tab — clicking “Support” now activates Intercom’s messenger, as does its blue icon, which you can then find in the bottom right corner of your window. So you can talk to real (human) experts with any questions, comments or concerns, anytime within office hours.

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