Unsplash x Setka: Source Top Quality Images Right Inside Your CMS

We’ve just announced a brand new integration with Unsplash, an unparalleled free stock photo library featuring over 850,000 visuals

Starting today, thanks to a new integration with Unsplash, Setka Editor users with paid plans will be able to access a vast wealth of imagery right from within the editor interface. The visual community features 110,000 contributing photographers, over 850,000 free-to-use photos, and generates more than 9 billion photo impressions per month — so you’ll be sure to have your pick from the very best selection of modern stock visuals.

“Images connect on an emotional level. They are not only how we self-express but also how we understand all kinds of information… Instead of vast libraries, licensed and presented for commercial buyers, we focus on pushing the impact of photography further than ever before by making original, high-resolution images available for anyone to use for anything.”

Unsplash Manifesto

According to the company, “Unsplash grants you an irrevocable, nonexclusive, worldwide copyright license to download, copy, modify, distribute, perform, and use photos from Unsplash for free — including for commercial purposes — without permission from or attribution to the photographer or Unsplash.” Although it is appreciated when possible!


Gone are the days of “woman laughing with salad, ” but if you’re looking for either one or the other — or any other potential subject combination while you’re at it — Unsplash has you covered. It’s been their mission from the company’s start, back in 2013, when they gave away their first 10 free images — leftovers from a photoshoot. “Instead of letting our photos sit dead in a folder somewhere, we thought it would be much better if they were put to use to move other creative projects forward, ” they say. “We believe everyone is creative and that we have a responsibility to empower everyone to create.”

Six years later, the Unsplash team has seen their collection of images inspire millions of creations, so if you’re unsure of where to start, there’s no need to worry. The team showcases the “best things being made with Unsplash” on a visual blog aptly named Made with Unsplash, and a look at their site will show that they’ve done a lot of the curatorial work for you.

The homepage of Unsplash.com reveals a navigation menu that organizes images into various categories, from Business & Work, Current Events, Fashion, Travel, and Food & Drink to Nature, Animals, Textures & Patterns, and Experimental work. The “Explore” page gives users more of a visual overview, with three images per section, focusing on things like Technology, Weather, Celebrations, Happiness, and more.

It’s also possible to browse through curated Collections put together by other users as well as the team of visual experts at Unsplash. So if you’re feeling stuck or uninspired, a scroll through these archives will be sure to get your creativity flowing. And, if you happen to know exactly what you’re looking for, now you can find it in seconds — without ever leaving Setka Editor.

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